Windows Repair Tool

Home-made IT Tools

Take a look at some of our powerful IT tools we have created to help our days flow efficiently and effortlessly.

Our Programs

Server-less File

Transfer files directly between 2 devices anywhere in the world without the need of setting up a server or any port forwarding.

Super AI

Our powerful AI assistant geared towards answering any and every IT question you have.

Windows Repair Tool

Have a Slow/Strange-Acting computer? This tool is capable of fixes any errors you run across with your Windows OS and hard drive.


Written in Go for Windows

Our team is enthusiastic about the future of technology and they do everything they can to make sure we stay up to date and fresh in our abilities and knowledge. That's why we choose Golang for our programs, Golang is a very powerful language with great tools for all aspects of application development.

Why choose us?

We strive to provide the best and most powerful software on the market but we also side with simplicity and user-friendliness. So we use nice modern GUI's but every button has a powerful impact behind it.

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